34-inch Catcher’s Mitt – Double Play Series


The Double Play Series gloves are made from full-cut Steer Hide like all Shoeless Joe ball gloves, except these gloves are made using dyed leather, not our patented tobacco tanning process.  Consequently, these gloves will take a little more time to break in.

The Double Play – 34-inch Catcher’s Mitt is all handcrafted real leather, no synthetic stuff that rots away before the season is over. The gloves are handmade by leather masters who have handed down their expertise for nearly 100 years.


  • 34-Inch Catcher’s Mitt
  • Traditional Open Back
  • for ages 12 and up
  • Available for Personalized Embroidery (20-character limit)
Categories: , Product ID: 2292


SKU Description
BK-3400CML-GY 34″ Catcher’s Mitt Black Glove w/ grey trim (left hand throw)
BK-3400CMR-GY 34″ Catcher’s Mitt Black Glove w/ grey trim (right hand throw)


The 34-inch, catcher’s mitt is great for catchers from 12 years old and up to adults. Cather’s mitts are measured in circumference (distance around the mitt) rather than the length of the glove, catcher’s mitts have a round, oval shape, extra padding, and traditionally have a closed web style.